Chocolates In Your Chai

The phenylethylamine (PEA) found in chocolates lures the emotions into feeling ecstatic intoxication. This is the same substance that the brain releases when one human amorously fancies another. With this sexy fact known to many, suddenly chocolates seem more suitable for adults. Anniversaries often see couples indulging in the treat as bakers very often push…

The Truth About Tea

Photographs by Poulomi Dey (  The discovery Chinese legend owns the story that in 2727 BC when Emperor Shen Nong sat below a tree with his pot of hot water, a light breeze blew tea leaves into it, lending it a colour and taste, which he enjoyed very much. Alternatively the Indians say that when…

Brussels: Of Pints And Poetry

Belgians sure know how to live; and is their gusto for life ever so contagious! I was aware of the very impressive variety of beers from the Kingdom of Belgium in Europe – but to pair them with our meals was something else. It was at Les Brigittines, Brussels, a quaintly Belle Époque styled design…

Food Porn

If I could marry food and have its babies, I would. But what is going on with all this Food Porn? It is rife amongst everybody from pre-teens to the almost-done-with-life. It’s like a disease that is eating into our lives like a foolish addiction. We don’t look at it as a menace on our social…